The city of Agüimes is characterized mainly by narrow streets, many of which are so narrow that hardly one can pass through them. Another characteristic feature is the bronze statues located in its center.

Some of the statues are a celebration of people whose names are written in the history of the city. Princess Masequera, daughter of the Guanche king Tenesor Semidán, who lived and died in Agüimes. After the island was occupied by the Spaniards, Tenesor was christened Fernando Guanarteme and the princess was christened Catalina.

Or a statue of Mariquita Sánchez, a lady who has gifted town´s children with her sweets for years.

There are also sculptures of animals used by farmers, residents of the Barranco de Guayadeque, to transport their goods to the city. Here they exchanged it for the products of local craftsmen. They sold their goods for money only to the richest people.

Other of the statues are dedicated to the everyday life of people in the city. For example, the statue of Music stands in a place where it was possible to hear classical music from the surrounding buildings during the day, which was practiced by musicians.

The El Carnaval statue is a celebration of the carnival.

The statue of the Gathering in La Alameda is dedicated to young people who met in that place in the square in front of the church in the 1920s to study literature.

In one of the dark streets you will find a statue of Lovers. Lovers sought such places to escape the watchful eye of sisters, aunts, mothers or grandmothers.

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